DEUQUA Sessions (Dienstag, 24. September, 8:50 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr, Blauer HS) 

Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates (Leitung: Tobias Sprafke, Philipp Schulte & Stephanie Neuhuber) 

 8:50 Uhr bis 10:00 Uhr Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates I 

Terhorst et al. 



The relevance of periglacial cover beds and interbedded loess-like slope deposits. 

Böse et al. 


The challenge to decipher Late Pleistocene to Holocene geomorphological processes in the Taiwanese mountains. 

Novak, Andrej 

From seasons to centuries: activity of sedimentary processes on alpine alluvial fans (Planica Valley, NW Slovenia). 

Sauer, Daniela 

When and why did floodplain sediments in Mongolia start to accumulate? 


10:00 Uhr bis 10:30 Uhr Kaffeepause

10:30 Uhr bis 11:30 Uhr Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates II 

Stojakowits et al. 

Environments during the Late Middle Pleistocene in the Heidelberg Basin, Upper Rhine Graben (Germany). 

Labahn et al. 

Cyclicity patterns within Quaternary vega formation on the eastern Canary Islands.   

Mayr et al. 

A composite geochemical record based on X-ray fluorescence scanning and radiocarbon dating for the Upper Palaeolithic site Kammern-Grubgraben (Austria).  

Vinnepand et al. 

Lake Bosumtwi – A million-year record of hydro-climate oscillations in West Africa. 


11:30 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates III 


Prochnow et al. 

A 7500 year long, 30-yr-resolution δ2H record from Moossee, Switzerland, indicates strong influence of solar activity on paleohydrology. 

Oehler et al. 

Central European LGM temperatures revealed using an innovative luminescence approach. 

Rettig et al. 

Glacier evolution in the Valsugana (south-eastern European Alps) during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial. 

Asch et al. 

The International Quaternary Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas: Based on a plethora of detailed regional mapping results. 


12:30 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr Mittagspause 

 14:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr DEUQUA POSTERSESSION (Großes Foyer) 


Otto et al. 

Reconstructing past glacier extents in the Chilean Altiplano (18.5°-19° S) - Regional patterns and paleoclimatic implications 

Griesmeier, Le Heron 

What happened after the Last Glacial Maximum in the Sölk Valleys (Styria, Austria)? 

Winsemann et al. 

Entangled external and internal controls on periglacial alluvial fan evolution: the Late Pleistocene Senne and Heller fans in the Münsterland Embayment and Elbe Valley (Germany). 

Eder et al. 

The sedimentological anatomy of a landslide in Embach, Salzburg. 

Marburg et al. 

Introducing DFG-research project RO 7078/2-1: Late Pleistocene dune archives spanning from the Canary to the Tyrrhenian Basin – Paleoenvironmental reconstruction via dust imprint from source areas in northern Africa. 

Zeeden et al.  

Reconstructing past climate from Loess-Palaeosol Sequences: Challenges of calibration functions.  

Kögler et al. 

Pleistocene river terrace development in the Baza Basin, Spain: Processes and chronology. 

Meng et al. 

Holocene mollusc faunas in a northern German lowland river system of the Baltic Sea region (Peene River, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). 

Wulf et al. 

Preliminary geochemical results from a gravity core from Stechlinsee in northeastern Germany. 

Wrozyna et al. 

Middle to late Holocene climatic changes in the Dominican Republic, Caribbean Region, deduced from ostracode and coral stable oxygen and carbon isotope values. 


Adiabatic winds, put into mathematical formulas. 


Regionale Quartär- und angewandte Geologie (Beiträge in alphabetischer Reihenfolge) 

Asch, Kristine 

IQUAME 2500 - The International Quaternary Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas, scale 1:2,5 Million: Hands-on Harmonisation and Review of the Austrian and German part. 

Rother et al. 

Die Forschungsbohrungen Concordia-See und Königsaue (ehemaliger Ascherslebener See, Sachsen-Anhalt): Neue Multiproxy-Analysen zur detaillierten Gliederung der Weichsel-Kaltzeit. 

Weidenfeller et al. 

Integrated geological map of the East Eifel Volcanic Field (EEVF). 


Anthropogenic impact on the development of landscapes (Beiträge in alphabetischer Reihenfolge) 

Boettcher et al. 

The search for environmental changes in the tropical Lago Enriquillo (Dominican Republic) using multi-isotope (H, C, N, O, S) partitioning. 

Koukal et al. 


FT-IR microplastics identification in natural sediments of Austria and the Republic of Korea – introduction and first results. 

Pauly et al. 


OSL dating of Holocene fluvial sediments of the Wiesent River in the Northern Franconian Alb (Bavaria, Germany). 

Schneider et al. 


Anthropogene Kleinreliefformen als Relikte früherer Landnutzung – Großflächige Kartierung aus digitalen Geländemodellen. 

Wulf et al. 

Preliminary geochemical results from a gravity core from Stechlinsee in northeastern Germany.  

16:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr Kaffeepause 

 16:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr Impulsvorträge zum Workshop Glacial erosion and deposition (Audimax) 

 Jan Piotrowski: Water at the ice-bed interface and below: processes, sediments and landforms 

Gaudenz Deplazes: Tracing glacial erosion in Quaternary sediments of Northern Switzerland. 

 17:30 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr DEUQUA Hauptversammlung