DEUQUA Sessions (Dienstag, 24. September, 8:50 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr, Blauer HS)
Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates (Leitung: Tobias Sprafke, Philipp Schulte & Stephanie Neuhuber)
8:50 Uhr bis 10:00 Uhr Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates I
Terhorst et al.
| The relevance of periglacial cover beds and interbedded loess-like slope deposits. |
Böse et al.
| The challenge to decipher Late Pleistocene to Holocene geomorphological processes in the Taiwanese mountains. |
Novak, Andrej | From seasons to centuries: activity of sedimentary processes on alpine alluvial fans (Planica Valley, NW Slovenia). |
Sauer, Daniela | When and why did floodplain sediments in Mongolia start to accumulate? |
10:00 Uhr bis 10:30 Uhr Kaffeepause
10:30 Uhr bis 11:30 Uhr Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates II
Stojakowits et al. | Environments during the Late Middle Pleistocene in the Heidelberg Basin, Upper Rhine Graben (Germany). |
Labahn et al. | Cyclicity patterns within Quaternary vega formation on the eastern Canary Islands. |
Mayr et al. | A composite geochemical record based on X-ray fluorescence scanning and radiocarbon dating for the Upper Palaeolithic site Kammern-Grubgraben (Austria). |
Vinnepand et al. | Lake Bosumtwi – A million-year record of hydro-climate oscillations in West Africa. |
11:30 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr Terrestrial records of paleoenvironments and -climates III
Prochnow et al. | A 7500 year long, 30-yr-resolution δ2H record from Moossee, Switzerland, indicates strong influence of solar activity on paleohydrology. |
Oehler et al. | Central European LGM temperatures revealed using an innovative luminescence approach. |
Rettig et al. | Glacier evolution in the Valsugana (south-eastern European Alps) during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial. |
Asch et al. | The International Quaternary Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas: Based on a plethora of detailed regional mapping results. |
12:30 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr Mittagspause
14:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr DEUQUA POSTERSESSION (Großes Foyer)
Otto et al. | Reconstructing past glacier extents in the Chilean Altiplano (18.5°-19° S) - Regional patterns and paleoclimatic implications |
Griesmeier, Le Heron | What happened after the Last Glacial Maximum in the Sölk Valleys (Styria, Austria)? |
Winsemann et al. | Entangled external and internal controls on periglacial alluvial fan evolution: the Late Pleistocene Senne and Heller fans in the Münsterland Embayment and Elbe Valley (Germany). |
Eder et al. | The sedimentological anatomy of a landslide in Embach, Salzburg. |
Marburg et al. | Introducing DFG-research project RO 7078/2-1: Late Pleistocene dune archives spanning from the Canary to the Tyrrhenian Basin – Paleoenvironmental reconstruction via dust imprint from source areas in northern Africa. |
Zeeden et al. | Reconstructing past climate from Loess-Palaeosol Sequences: Challenges of calibration functions. |
Kögler et al. | Pleistocene river terrace development in the Baza Basin, Spain: Processes and chronology. |
Meng et al. | Holocene mollusc faunas in a northern German lowland river system of the Baltic Sea region (Peene River, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). |
Wulf et al. | Preliminary geochemical results from a gravity core from Stechlinsee in northeastern Germany. |
Wrozyna et al. | Middle to late Holocene climatic changes in the Dominican Republic, Caribbean Region, deduced from ostracode and coral stable oxygen and carbon isotope values. |
Biermanns | Adiabatic winds, put into mathematical formulas. |
Regionale Quartär- und angewandte Geologie (Beiträge in alphabetischer Reihenfolge)
Asch, Kristine | IQUAME 2500 - The International Quaternary Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas, scale 1:2,5 Million: Hands-on Harmonisation and Review of the Austrian and German part. |
Rother et al. | Die Forschungsbohrungen Concordia-See und Königsaue (ehemaliger Ascherslebener See, Sachsen-Anhalt): Neue Multiproxy-Analysen zur detaillierten Gliederung der Weichsel-Kaltzeit. |
Weidenfeller et al. | Integrated geological map of the East Eifel Volcanic Field (EEVF). |
Anthropogenic impact on the development of landscapes (Beiträge in alphabetischer Reihenfolge)
Boettcher et al. | The search for environmental changes in the tropical Lago Enriquillo (Dominican Republic) using multi-isotope (H, C, N, O, S) partitioning. |
Koukal et al.
| FT-IR microplastics identification in natural sediments of Austria and the Republic of Korea – introduction and first results. |
Pauly et al.
| OSL dating of Holocene fluvial sediments of the Wiesent River in the Northern Franconian Alb (Bavaria, Germany). |
Schneider et al.
| Anthropogene Kleinreliefformen als Relikte früherer Landnutzung – Großflächige Kartierung aus digitalen Geländemodellen. |
Wulf et al. | Preliminary geochemical results from a gravity core from Stechlinsee in northeastern Germany. |
16:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr Kaffeepause
16:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr Impulsvorträge zum Workshop Glacial erosion and deposition (Audimax)
Jan Piotrowski: Water at the ice-bed interface and below: processes, sediments and landforms
Gaudenz Deplazes: Tracing glacial erosion in Quaternary sediments of Northern Switzerland.
17:30 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr DEUQUA Hauptversammlung